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12 June 2024 14:30-16:30

We need to talk about Burnout

For two years, the partners in this project have been trying to understand why burnout is a global pandemic, why women are more at risk, and how the digital landscape has changed the way we work and how it affects us. Burnout rates are rising in Europe and costing society billions, with stress alone (which leads to burnout) costing Europe over €600 billion a year.
In our research, we found that 60% of leaders lacked or were unsure of strategies to prevent burnout, despite the fact that 74% of leaders in the study had personal experience of having to deal with someone in their team becoming burnt out.

A quote from one of the interviews we conducted:
"This is the irony of it, we are getting many company emails about well-being, how to relax, how to handle work-life balance, but at the same time we are buried under so much work that I have zero time to even read it. So, everything with an e-mail subject wellbeing goes directly into trash."
– Employee

This is something we believe we have to change. We don't have all the answers, but
hopefully this session will invite you to reflect, expand your knowledge and be part of a community that makes our wellbeing a priority, one workplace at a time.

If you think this is an important topic for you as an employee, manager or (HR) professional, we'd like to welcome you to this online knowledge-sharing event. It will also be an opportunity for you to build your professional network and support the importance of mental well-being at work.
Join us and be part of this important conversation!

All you need to know

It will take place online on the 12th of June from 14:30 to 16:30 CET time.


14.30 - 15.00 - Introduction - What is burnout & how do we prevent it? 

15.00 - 15.20 - Guest speaker - What did you learn about yourself going through burnout?
15.20 - 16.10 Breakout rooms - let's learn together

Breakout room 1 with Maciej: 4 day workweek, is it possible? 
Breakout room 2 with Anneta: The art of understanding
Breakout room 3 with Sanna: Your relationship to burnout?

16.10 - 16.20 Wrap up/Reflections

The event is free of charge, you'll get a calendar invitation to the event, updated with a link to the event the day before. Limited number of seats so secure your spot today!

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Lenka Prokopová
Guest speaker

Lenka is the content marketer and copywriter behind the #mamanahpp project. Its purpose is to highlight the reality of working mothers, fathers and motherhood itself. Burnout syndrome came overnight 2 years ago. And even though there are more bright days, the syndrome keeps coming back. Why? You'll get the answer at our conference.

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Maciej Głogowski

Breakout room 1 with Maciej: 4 day workweek, is it possible?

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Anneta Ioannidou

Breakout room 2 with Anneta: The art of understanding

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Sanna Rådelius

Breakout room 3 with Sanna/Madeleine: Quiz/Your relationship to burnout?

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Madeleine Harju

Breakout room 3 with Sanna/Madeleine: Quiz/Your relationship to burnout?

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Organized by

Instruction & Information
Orange Hill
Smart Umbrella
Institute Inpro